Addicted to…

Addicted to…

Since getting involved in investing, I don’t think a day has gone by that I haven’t looked at a number of stock charts and either read or watched something about trading.


I’m a chart junkie. I’m addicted to charts.


Not only that. I’m into naked charts.


There I said it.


But let me note…

note 1: naked charts are different from naked trading

note 2: I trade in clothes or pajamas.

The one good thing about being addicted to charts is that I’m all about learning how to trade better. I look at charts every day, trying to glean meaning from them. I’m looking for treasure in the symbols found there.


My addiction is not with trading itself, which is a good thing as it prevents me from just throwing money into the market and blowing up my account.


That would be scary because I hear again and again that 90% of new traders blow up their account.


Not something I want to do. Not something anyone wants to do.


My romance is with the charts and I hope that romance turns into great wealth one day, as do we all.